A Masquerade Ball
07.07.07 @ Mighty

Yes, the luckiest day of the year finds Opel & the boyz from Fix geting together for a unique event. Our good friends Debi & Christoph, (like lots of happy couples across the world) are getting married that evening and celebrating their reception after party at Mighty with a costumed themed, beautifully decorated special gathering that you’re all invited to.
A Masqureade Ball invites you to dress yourselves up a bit with classy garb and mask, though it’s not required. Come as you are and enjoy the ambience that will be created as we celebrate love and beats!

Some info for you: A Masquerade Ball (or masque) is an event which the participants attend in costume, usually wearing a mask.
Such gatherings were based on increasingly elaborate allegorical pageants
and triumphal processions celebrating marriages and other dynastic events of
late medieval court life.
Masquerade balls were extended into costumed public festivities in Italy
during the 15th century Renaissance (Italian, maschera). They were generally
elaborate dances held for members of the upper classes, and were
particularly popular in Venice. They have been associated with the tradition
of the Venetian Carnival.
Masquerade balls were sometimes set as a game among the guests. The masked guests were supposedly dressed so as to be unidentifiable.
This would create a type of game to see if a guest could determine each