Saturday March 3rd, 2012 – A Movement in 2 Parts

Part 2 : Looking Forward
At Mighty
Celebrating 10 Years of Music, Vibe and People

We couldn’t contain a 10 year anniversary in just one night, so you’re invited to join us twice, as we look both back and forward to Opel’s brand of intentional fun.  Thanks for your support over the years to mark this occasion with you!



Felguk (, Brazil)

Syd Gris (Opel /Opulent Temple)
Dex Stakker (Opel /Opulent Temple)
Josh Camacho (Groove Quest / Boomrock Saints)


Blix Cannon (Skills / Time Unlimited)
Cosmic Selector (Opulent Temple / Tek Freaks)
Drew Drop (Opulent Temple)
Mikey (Original Ravers)


Get Discount pre-sale for March 3rd HERE

Visuals by Sasan
Alter by Gina G & Tuana.

MIGHTY – 119 Utah St @ 15th, SF – 21+
Our sacred duty is to wake up.

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