Opel Halloween 2007 :: with Dylan Rhymes & Elite Force |
We at Opel are psyched to be gearing up for one of our best offerings of the year! Since Opel started, our Halloween parties have been a top notch coming together of quality costumed party people and awesome music. We’re gonna keep that going this year of course, and hope you will come celebrate with us. Our discounted pre-sales always sell out, so get on that action today. (Like last year, pre-sale holders will have their own express line separate from the normal door entrance.)
As usual, we’ve put together a special night to match SF’s favorite holiday. Whatever is your musical fancy, we have you covered, with an excellent range of tech funk house and breaks, + dirty electro, progressive and even a little trance.
Featuring your favorite locals, + two bass driven international talents Dylan Rhymes & Elite Force, full on Halloween immersion, random acts of performance art and eye candy, and the the indoor / outdoor joy that is Mighty, we are so excited to once again bring it.

Discounted pre-sales on sale for $15 HERE
Discounted pre-sales always sell out, so save yourself money and line hassle (will call list will enter in their own express line) by getting the on the pre-sale tip HERE
*** Costumes encouraged not required. ***
See pics of previous years, here 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003….
***We also recommend you check out the Think 13 show the first half of the night. They are an amazing live act with an integral performance and visual piece that make for an impressive and unique show. Their show starts at 8:00 and is right around the corner from Mighty.
About the artists:
Elite Force (UK)
The long-awaited release of Elite Force’s Lot49 mix CD is upon us
this December. Often credited for being a lynchpin in the developing
the tech-funk genre (an amalgamation of breaks, house, techno and
electro) Elite Force has been a mainstay within the scene for over 10
years. Elite Force began as a project began way back in 1996, debuting
on his own newly founded Fused and Bruised label with a series of
peerless 12’s and remixes. After a successful five years, he put the
label on the backburner to concentrate on production work, and
following several years with Whole9Yards and Moonshine he became a
mainstay recording artist for Adrift Recordings (formally known as
Kingsize Records) before moving on to set up his own Used & Abused
imprint. On the decks, Elite Force has been a prime mover since 1990
when he cut his teeth playing huge student nights and self-promoted
acid house nights in the South West of England, before moving up to
London and ultimately gravitating towards his tech-funk style, with
which he now has a full diary of global bookings and has become known
as one of the top technicians on a circuit that has included massive
shows in Hungary, Australia, Italy, USA, Czech Republic, India,
Turkey, Spain, Japan, Mexico, Korea and China, as well as numerous
festival slots including Glastonbury and the Glade. His bi-weekly
strongarm sessions webcasts have become something of an intraweb
institution since their inception back in 2001, now routinely
achieving download numbers in the tens of thousands per show.
Dylan Rhymes (UK)
Dance music has been the biggest part of Rhymes (otherwise known as
Marvin Beaver and yes, hes heard all of the jokes) life from a
young age. Inspired by early hip hop and electro a la Kraftwerk and
Doug E. Fresh, Marvin purchased his first set of decks at 15 and
caught the bug in a bad way. Supplemented with the now legendary
Roland TR808 and TR909 drum machines Beaver started, as most people
did in dance music in the late eighties, by putting out a few acid
house white labels. Before long he landed a deal with Junior Boys
Own Chicago influenced Jus Trax label. Friend, DJ and London mainstay
Clive Henry then joined the team and the trio became Peace Division, a
project that gained props from every corner of dance music without
exception. Leaving Peace Division to focus on his own material,
Beaver invented the Dylan Rhymes moniker (a reference to Bob Dylan)
and set about working on a breakbeat track for Junior Boys Own. The
result was 1996s Naked & Ashamed which, due to a Smirnoff ad
campaign, became one the labels biggest tracks (no mean feat
considering JBOs pedigree). Since then he has cemented his
reputation as one of the leaders of the breakbeat and tech house
scenes through his output through Kingsize Records, Meat Katies
Whole9Yards and Lot49 labels and his own Blue Black imprint. Besides
original work, Beaver has also remixed the likes of Deep Dish,
Infusion, Dave Gahan, Overseer, Unkle and Puretone while he has
collaborated with Meat Katie, Christian J, Force Mass Motion (as
Silencer) and Anthony J Gorry.